She's At It Again
I am prone to complacency (polite term for laziness).
Artmixter has a horrible effect on me. She wakes me up and makes me think and makes me do Not that I don't willingly participate, but sheesh, what's a lazy man to do?
She's into copying and "restructuring" and creating new work in the process.
She's doing it manually, but I thought I'd do it digitally. If I scan the work into Paint Shop Pro, I can turn it into a grayscale (a black and white) without ever using any papger or cloth until I'm ready. But I must admit, it is also fun to do it manually at the photocopier or scanner. Anyway, the original digital painting, and the greyscale. More to come
I'm behind you on the digital manipulation thing, too...I thought when I was working with the copier that it would be interesting to play with some of the painting images, see what kind of cloth would come out of them. Good to see you've tried and succeeded...encouragement is always welcome.
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