Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Digital:Technic - A New Blog
I've set up a new Blog - one dedicated to matters DIGITAL as they relate to multi-media work including textiles and printmaking. It will include tidbits, tips, ideas, reviews, software reviews and sometimes tutorials about working in the digital mediumhttp://learndigitaltech.blogspot.com/.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Micro/macro cosmos
I often observe that the largest of things in the Universe are reflected in the smallest, and I find it true in the landscape of Earth. Nature, the greatest and most prolific pattern generator we know, often repeats segments of pattern over and over, sometimes on a grand scale, sometimes on a small. Playing with my digital camera today, I noted the cracked earth after the dryi up from a recent rain reminded me immediately of a river delta, so I took some photos and played with them digitally and this is what came up.
membership denied
I am a litle sad this morning. I was denied memberfship in the group Freemotions on Yahoo for unexplained reasons. I'm sure the moderators had their reasons but they were not explained. The denial was cold, indifferent and disappointing, but life is that way. I really wish I knew why, but I may just have to settle for the indifference. Besides I might have been disappointed, but then I may not. Well, I must move on. I've provided a link post to the wonderful digital work of Digital Gran, blogger extraordinary. Enjoy. Her work is lusfcious and interesting and never ceases to delight my eyes. And thanks to all of you who bring such wonderful and interesting work to all of us via your blogs.