If any human wae truly in touch with the heart and mind of God, whatever his or her name, there would be no sects, no religions, no politiccal parties, and no strife. Original Sin is the knowledge of the separateness from God, rather than at-oneness with him or her. But instead of seeking to return to that original state of mindfullness or grace, we have become angry at ourselves and each other and seek to punish rather than save or care fore each other. Compassion is the origional commandment of God, and we have forgotten that, and we seek to tell each other how to live rather than just living with each other. There is no true religion, no true political belief, no true way to live, only compassion and understanding. We are one species, not several, and if we and our beloved mother earth are to survive, we must all stop, seek the silence within ourselves, and reach out to our neighbors in hope and extend the branch of peacc. We must forget ourselves and our personal pride and remember compassion..
Perfect sermon..
I agree hold heartedly, if only we could all live by this..
Thanks for telling us all.
Love your art work so colorful very inspirational...
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